Fire in the fire bowl - how do I start a fire correctly?

Fire in the fire bowl - how do I start a fire correctly?

Discover the variety of our fire bowls: Three ways to enjoy your fire

Fire bowls are more than just a source of heat - they are a meeting place, a place to relax and a way to prepare delicious food. In this blog article, we'll show you how to use our fire bowls in three different ways to get the most out of your outdoor experience. Whether you want to light a romantic campfire, host a classic barbecue or enjoy a small, cozy fire - we have the perfect tips for you!

1st campfire in the fire bowl

A campfire in a fire bowl is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the outdoors after a long day. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to light the perfect campfire in the bowl:

  • Preparation: Remove all grill plates and the center ring from the fire bowl. This gives you more space for the wood and ensures optimum air circulation.
  • Choice of wood: Use a mixture of softwood (e.g. spruce or fir) and hardwood (e.g. beech). Softwood ignites easily and serves as kindling, while hardwood burns longer and forms a stable ember.
  • Lighting: Stack the softwood in the center of the fire bowl in the shape of a small tepee or pyramid. Place the hardwood on top. Use natural kindling such as wood chips or kindling cubes to start the fire. Avoid chemical fire accelerants as they can be dangerous.
  • Enjoyment: As soon as the fire is burning, you can sit back and watch the flames. A glass of wine or a cold beer makes the moment even more relaxing. The warmth of the fire creates a cozy atmosphere that is perfect for conversations or simply for switching off.
  • Barbecue time: Once a good ember has developed, you can place the grill plates and, if necessary, the center ring back on the fire bowl. Push the embers under the grill plates using an ash shovel or ash pusher. As soon as the grilling surfaces are hot, you can start grilling. Meat, vegetables or even marshmallows - there are no limits to your imagination.

2. classic grilling on the grill ring

An outdoor barbecue is always a highlight. With our fire bowl, barbecuing is child's play. Find out how to make the most of the barbecue ring here:

  • Preparation: Remove the center ring from the fire bowl and place the firewood in the middle. Light the wood and wait until a good ember has formed.
  • Start the grill: Slide the embers under the grill plates. Do you want to use special accessories such as grill skewers or raclette pans? Remove a grill plate before firing up and replace the center ring after the embers have formed. This allows you to make optimum use of the accessories.
  • Tips for perfect grilling: Make sure that the grill plates are evenly hot before you place the food on them. Use hardwood for juicy steaks as it provides a constant heat. Vegetables and fish turn out particularly well if you lightly oil the grill plates beforehand.
  • Socializing: This variant is perfect for sociable barbecue evenings with friends and acquaintances. Set up some comfortable seating around the fire bowl and make sure you have plenty of drinks and side dishes. Preparing and enjoying the food together will be an unforgettable experience.

3. small flame in the center of the fire bowl

Sometimes a small, cozy fire is all you need for a relaxed evening. The 'small flame' version is ideal for smaller groups or if you only have a limited amount of time to barbecue:

  • Preparation: Place the wood only in the middle ring and leave the embers in this form after the fire. This way, only the middle part of the bowl is heated, while the outer plates remain slightly warm and can be removed if necessary.
  • Choice of wood: Charcoal or briquettes are particularly suitable for this variant, as they heat up quickly and burn for a long time. Charcoal also gives the food a typical smoky aroma.
  • Grill time: Place one of our medium grill plates on the ring. This barbecue variant is ideal for a small group of up to four people. Classic barbecue dishes such as sausages, chops or vegetables can be prepared quickly and easily here.
  • Tip: Experiment with different types and sizes of wood to achieve the perfect heat and embers. Make sure the wood is dry to avoid unnecessary smoke.

Safety instructions

Safety comes first, especially when you are handling an open fire. Therefore, observe the following tips:

  • Protective gloves: Always wear protective gloves when touching the hot grill plates to avoid burns.
  • Children and pets: Never leave children and pets unattended near the fire bowl. Explain the dangers to them and keep them at a safe distance.
  • Fire accelerants: Never use fire accelerants - neither liquid nor solid, as this can lead to dangerous explosions. Use natural firelighters instead.

The right wood

Choosing the right wood is crucial for a successful fire. Here are some tips:

  • Softwood (e.g. spruce, fir): Ideal for lighting, as it is easy to ignite. However, softwood burns quickly and produces few embers.
  • Hardwood (e.g. beech, oak): More difficult to ignite, but burns long and evenly. Hardwood forms a stable ember that is perfect for grilling.
  • Charcoal and briquettes: A good alternative if you need a long burning time and constant heat. Particularly suitable for the "small flame" variant.

Firing up made easy

Variant 1: Pyramid shape

  • Start with softwood logs in the center of the fire bowl.
  • Stack hardwood logs in a pyramid shape on top so that there is sufficient air between the logs.
  • Light the softwood and add more hardwood if necessary. The pyramid shape ensures good air circulation and quick ignition of the fire.

Variant 2: Stacking technique

  • Lay three hardwoods parallel to each other at least three centimeters apart.
  • Place the second layer at a 90° angle to the first.
  • Repeat this process until you have a tower of 3-4 layers.
  • Place thin wood or wood wool between the hardwoods and light the fire from above. This method ensures that the wood burns evenly and in a controlled manner.

Extinguish fire

Extinguishing the fire is just as important as lighting it. Follow these steps:

  • Allow to burn down in a controlled manner: Let the fire burn down completely and avoid putting it out abruptly. This will keep the fire bowl in good condition.
  • After extinguishing: The fire bowl may still be very hot after extinguishing. Do not touch it and do not try to move it.
  • Safety precautions: Always have a bucket of water or sand or a fire extinguisher within reach. The fire extinguisher is for emergencies only and should never be used to smother a fire under normal circumstances.

Additional tips and tricks

  • Storing wood: Store your wood in a dry place to ensure that it burns well and smokes little. Damp wood can smoke a lot and make it difficult to light. Maybe our firewood racks are something for you? ;) 
  • Cleaning the fire bowl: Clean the fire bowl regularly to remove ash residue and soot. Use an ash shovel and a brush for this. A clean grill grate ensures better grilling results and extends the service life of your fire bowl.
  • Weather conditions: Pay attention to the weather conditions. In strong winds or dry weather, you should be particularly careful to avoid flying sparks and uncontrolled fires.
  • Accessories: Invest in high-quality accessories such as our barbecue skewers, pans and protective gloves. The right equipment makes handling easier and ensures a better barbecue experience.

Have fun discovering and enjoying your fire bowl! If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Let's spend unforgettable evenings by the fire together!

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